(Download the Preamble in PDF Form)


The Constitution Party of Utah gratefully acknowledges our Creator as Judge, Preserver and Ruler of the universe. As such, we appeal to him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and protection as we strive to restore and preserve the American system of law and justice for the United States of America and for the State of Utah. The Founders of our nation were loyal Americans and wise statesmen who were aided by the hand of Providence in establishing fundamental principles of government that would secure our liberty throughout time. The U.S. Constitution, together with the Bill of Rights and Judeo/Christian moral principles form the basis for good government. Thus, for liberty to be sustained, our nation and state must be run by virtuous and moral people who uphold constitutional principles as intended by the Founders of our nation. We affirm that our rights come from our Creator, not from government. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As such, it is the right of all citizens to own, use, exchange, control, protect and freely dispose of property. Thus, to secure our rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. It is the proper role of national, state and local government to secure these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the promotion of equal justice for all citizens and the maintenance of both a strong national defense as well as a strong state militia. Moreover, government is to preserve freedom of conscience and worship. Therefore, human law has no right to interfere in prescribing rules of worship, nor to control conscience, nor to suppress the freedom of the soul. The Constitution Party of Utah supports the provision of the U.S. Constitution that no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust. Furthermore, we affirm the Founders conviction that there will be no government tax supported religion. The Party accepts and welcomes U.S. citizens of all religions, races and ethnic backgrounds. As a republic, it is essential to restrict the federal government to the powers specified in the U.S. Constitution and to preserve our citizen rights as defined in The Bill of Rights. We are a nation of law, and the U.S. Constitution is the charter of law. The powers not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states are reserved to the states or to the people (Tenth Amendment). It is essential to preserve state and community rights, within their jurisdictional boundaries so that the liberty and sovereignty of its citizens are maintained. To preserve state sovereignty as originally mandated, Utah is to exercise proper nullification in every instance of federal constitutional over-reach. The platform of the Constitution Party of Utah is anchored with three solid standards: Integrity - We are committed to restore integrity, honesty and accountability to government and to uphold non-corrupt and morally sound politicians. Liberty - We as Americans are free to act for ourselves with limited government interference. Prosperity - We want to create the greatest economy for the United States and for the State of Utah that the world has ever seen. We will do so by preserving free market principles in our economic policies. Therefore, the political standards of the Constitution Party of Utah engender a high sense of duty, loyalty, and honor to God, family, community and country. (Download the Platform in PDF Form)


The Constitution Party of Utah accepts the planks as outlined in the national platform. The following topics listed in alphabetical order, although not all inclusive, contain explanations of important issues that apply to national and /or state concepts that have their basis on constitutional principles as intended by the Founding Fathers and on moral Judeo/Christian values.  The following planks form the foundation of the Constitution Party of Utah platform:

Character and Moral Conduct

Cost of Big Government




Election Integrity/Vote By Mail

Election Reform/The Electoral Process

Executive Orders


Foreign Policy and American Sovereignty

Gun Control

Hate Crimes

Health Care/Mandatory Vaccinations


The Judiciary

Money and Banking


Property -- Personal and Private

Public Lands

Religious Freedom

Sanctity of Life

Social Security

State Sovereignty

Tariffs and Trade


Terrorism and Personal Liberty

Water Rights
