by Gary Welch
The recent GOP Primary election for the 3rd Congressional District has conservatives and constitutionalists up in arms. The clear selection of Chris Herrod by their caucus and the majority of the conservatives in this district was sabotaged by their own party that created a system for allowing party elites to pick their candidate in spite what their members wanted. John Curtis was not what the GOP members wanted and many feel that this new system allowed Democrats and Progressives in the party to elect a known Liberal to Congress.
Even those outside the 3rd CD are infuriated with this development and feel that this election was a betrayal by Governor Herbert, the legislature, and the state party executives.
I think that many GOP members in Utah have had enough and they are willing to consider an alternative party.
I encourage all of you to set up Meet The Constitution Party events in your communities. If you contact me, we can work out a plan for me to speak at the event. I will go to any place in Utah and meet with any number of people to get this message out. Additionally, at the last SEC meeting, I indicated that the Meet The Constitution Party meetings were also good vehicles to use to energize the party base and bring back the “prodigal children”. If you can talk to both frustrated GOP members and frustrated Constitution Party members, I think that we could get a good turnout to make it worth my while.
Let’s take advantage of the anger and frustration that many local leaders are feeling in the GOP and start getting new leaders and new candidates to join our party. Start talking to your conservative/constitutionalist GOP acquaintances and ask them about how they feel about this latest election.